News How to create jdCaptcha profiles with Tasker?
This tutorial explains how you can create and apply custom configuration profiles of jdCaptcha using Tasker. The custom profiles will allow you to:
  • Select one of the two ringtones configured.
  • Enable/Disable vibrator on notifications.
  • Enable/Disable ringtone on notifications.
  • Enable/Disable light on notifications.
  • Enable/Disable captcha notifications.
  • Enable/Disable email notifications.
  • Enable/Disable other notifications.
  • Enable/Disable downloads (for jDownloader only).

To create your profiles you'll need two applications (click on the QRcode to go to the Play Store):
Tasker AutoShortcut
tasker autoshortcut

tuto-tasker-list This tutorial describes some steps to create tasks to enable captcha notifications at 07:00am (07:00) (just after turning off Airplane Mode) and disable captcha notifications at 10:55pm (22:55) (just before turning on Airplane Mode).

First create a new profile by clicking on the + button:
  • Provide a name to the new profile (here 4 profiles have been created with the following names: Airplane Mode Off, Airplane Mode On, Turn Off Applications, Turn On Applications). The Turn Off/On Applications will be used to disable/enable captcha notifications and the Airplane Mode Off/On will be used to turn off/on the Airplane Mode.
  • Select Time for the first context (you can also pick another context if you want).
  • Fill the new form (if any).
  • Select the New Task to associate a new task to the profile (if you already have defined a task, you can select the task instead of creating a new one) and give it a name.
tuto-tasker-select-shortcut To create or edit a task, follow these steps:
  • Click on the + button to add an action.
  • Select Plugin to create an action on jdCaptcha or any other item to create other tasks (like controlling the Airplane Mode).
  • Select AutoShortcut as plugin action as shown on the snapshot.
  • Click on the Edit button and then select the jdCaptcha Shortcuts, select the jdCaptcha action to execute (here in this tutorial select the Captcha On or Captcha Off action).
  • Do not check the If checkbox and validate the form.
  • Validate the task edit form.

You can create as many tasks as you want and as complex as you want. If you need more help on using Tasker, please ask to the Tasker's developer (you'll find all information you need to contact the developer on the Play Store page or on the developer's website).